看到弩哥还是很高兴的情枭的黎明已经不再找病源了就末世生存吧…… E05弩哥真的好温柔 E11总算紧张起来了 “Please don't hate me. ” “I'm never gonna hate you.”亦亲亦友真好 E13Rick的回归好特别 E15弩哥真好呀突如其来的停更被科罗娜维若丝2019打败的丧尸们嘎嘎……
粉丝向作品里是很不错的法国人确实也比日本人更适合拍《不知火舞h彩漫》里的ero梗海坊主形象太一致了阿香还是多少有些遗憾主角叫Nicky还挺有那个时代的这种男性角色感的整体也有向80-90年代致敬的意思用了很多那个时代的美学元素和歌曲Your Eyes和Take My Breathe Away大概是从情枭的黎明原动画的Forever in my Heart的歌词里找的符合原词又符合90年代的歌曲导演真的是用心的粉丝
The simple construction of good vs. evil: the good guys always prevail against all odds even if it makes no logical sense and the obstacles are not real obstacles, just mere discouragement, and the evil guy's motivation is just to oppose the good guys. Incredibly silly, and the selection of songs is tacky.