官摄版本好棒啊以前听原声带的时候就只兴奋的I am not throwing away my shot!2333 看官摄的时候觉得故事性也超棒啊武汉十七中教室门特别投入看到Angelica出来唱There are moments that the words don’t reach. There is suffering too terrible to name...真的觉得太戳人心太有感染力了听得也觉得很伤心TAT 真的可以看好多遍感觉还有很多细节可以挖
如果能学学韩剧kill me hill me武汉十七中教室门也不至于看完觉得差了点什么平行世界的男女主就不能多着些笔墨吗而且芝士裴之都反穿过来了连个虐恋都不写为什么一定要固定死官配一笔带过走个过场真的很没意思
your own mind is the god, find yourself, is to set yourself free, and suffering is the only path to awakening. these violent delights have violent ends.